Today is actually all you have to make a difference; seize it and make it count.


Often times, we experience various moments; some wonderful once-in a lifetime moments, and some difficult moments. The most important thing is to recognize that special and rare moment that comes once in a lifetime and seize it. To seize something means to take advantage of a thing eagerly and immediately. In this case, it implies taking advantage of a chance that shows up in life. There are some moments, which once neglected can never come back, and the opportunity of a lifetime is handed to somebody else who is more prepared than you.

Recently, I was listening to Oprah Winfrey, and she said “From the age of 9, I was sexually molested until I got pregnant at 13 years. I had a baby at 14 years, but the baby died afterwards. After I lost my baby, my father told me ‘this is your second chance, seize the moment.’” That marked the turning point of her life. Since then, she seized every opportunity to add value to her life and become relevant.

Some people have missed their opportunity to achieve greatness because they were not prepared mentally when it came knocking. ‘It’s better to prepare for an opportunity that may never come than to meet an opportunity you are not prepared for.’ You have to make every day of your life count and turn it to a valuable moment. Don’t waste any moment of your life because you may not be able to tell which is precious. Sometimes, you may never know how precious a moment is until it becomes a memory. The best time to go back to school, to start that organization or create a product in order to make an impact in your generation is now. There is no moment like today!

Now is the time to take control of your life. You can’t drift through life aimlessly without a focus. There must be something you want to achieve or become. Make a plan, get responsible and stop making excuses for your lapses. Educate yourself along your vision and get ready for that chance to make a difference in life.

Be prepared! Be ready for that moment of your life and make it count.




Lesson: Today is the moment you have been waiting for. Seize it and add value to  life.

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