If you must fail, fail forward!


This is the best time to make the decision to succeed no matter how many times you’ve failed in the past. At the beginning of each year, people make New Year resolutions, but how many are ready to get out of their comfort zones and make the impossible possible?

Below are some steps to follow to make the most of your life and become a success.

  • Set goals – Discover what you are good at. Have a plan on how to achieve your goal. Focus your energy on it and excel at doing it. Don’t waste your precious time and resources chasing shadows.

                           “A goal without a plan is just a wish”

  • Don’t be imprisoned by your past failures. Learn from your mistakes, forget the ugly details and embrace the future with hope. It’s time to set yourself free from that paralyzing fear of the past and dare to try again. Winning starts from attempting to begin again!

                          “The fastest way to succeed is to double your

                             failure rate”-Thomas Watson Sr.

  • If you are the most intelligent or smartest in your team or group, then your team or group is too small. Choose friends or associates that are smarter than you, and will challenge you to stretch your vision to the next level. Don’t follow anyone that’s going nowhere.
  • Connect with mentors and like-minded people that will develop your talent and add value to your life and work. Learn new skills and become more productive and richer.
  • Replace the negative thoughts in your mind with positive thoughts. This replaces stress with self-esteem, and you eventually become what you think about.
  • Relinquish power sometimes. Stop being a control freak! Learn to rely and learn from people around you. You need others to succeed.

One tree cannot make a forest’

  • Appreciate the days of small beginnings! Don’t be afraid to start small, rather develop the habit of excellence in little matters and you will become master over much.
  • Anything is possible if you are not afraid to fail! Dream big for it doesn’t cost anything to dream big! Let your dream be bigger than your ability and do everything possible to achieve your dream. Don’t watch life pass you by because of fear of failure. It’s better to fail at something than fail at doing nothing.
  • Learn to receive and give as well – love, happiness, peace, finance and friendship. This will help create a conducive environment for productivity and affect lives positively.
  • Limitations only exist in the mind. Break your boundaries and escape into the world of possibilities. What were considered impossible in the past have become possible- Aeroplanes now fly in the air, driverless cars have been manufactured, Thomas Edison made 1,000 unsuccessful attempt at inventing the electric light bulb before he succeeded. Don’t entertain setbacks, but pursue that which seems impossible until it becomes possible. It’s your turn to achieve the impossible!
  • Be grateful for the sunshine, rain, the love of a family, and most importantly the gift of life. Only the living can dream and aspire to achieve greatness. You only have one shot at life, get the most out of it and make it count. Remember that ‘health is wealth’. So stay healthy even as you pursue success in life.
  • Trust and commit your ways to the Lord and He will show you the secret of true wealth with no sorrow added. After all, the earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof.


             The true essence of wealth is to impact lives positively and be a blessing.

                Check your motive for success, that’s what God blesses.

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