If your imagination is empty, your life will definitely be empty and boring.
The life you can’t imagine, you can’t possess.
Conceive with your heart first how you want your life to be, using the
word of God as your foundation.
The harder you train and put your mind to work, the higher you go in life.
Your imagination rules your life. If you imagine it for too long, the ingenuity
to do it comes alive. Whatever controls your mind rules your life.
If your mind is defeated, life becomes stagnant.
Fuel your imagination with the promise of a better day.
The power to be or not to be lies with the state of your mind, and ability
to use your imagination positively to your advantage.
The Prodigal Son in the Bible, after suffering so much thought within himself
“I will arise and go to my father”, and that ended his suffering.
What occupies your mind; creative or self-pessimistic thoughts?
I never give up on myself with my imagination. It may seem impossible, but I know
in my heart, it is achievable.
Imagine your way out of obscurity by being dedicated diligently to what you have
reasoned to do and channel your energy to becoming a better you.
Anything is possible! If it seems impossible is because you haven’t captured it
with your imagination.
“Whatsoever things are noble, just, pure, virtuous, lovely, and are of good report,
think on these things”. And then act on these things to upgrade your life.