You can overcome your limitations, if you stop looking for excuses and be true to yourself.


“I have never seen a more imperfect man than the one who thinks he’s so perfect.” No one is perfect. We all strive for perfection. You may have been born with some limitations, but that should not prevent you from becoming your best. Everyone is limited in an area. Some people are so smart yet so poor, while some that are not so intelligent are excelling in the financial market. The only person that can limit you is you! So, don’t be like the fleas that were put in a container with a lid. When the lid was removed, they had become so adjusted to the limited life in the container and refused to escape to freedom.

I read an article that states “On his first day in office, as the president of United States of America, Abraham Lincoln entered to give his inaugural address, one man, a rich aristocrat stood up and said  “Mr. Lincoln, you should not forget that your father used to make shoes for my family…. ” The whole senate laughed at that statement. They thought they had made a fool of Lincoln… however, certain people are made of a totally different kettle. Lincoln looked at the man directly in the eyes and said “sir, I know that my father used to make shoes for your family… and I want to ask you, have you any complaint?  Because I know how to make shoes myself, I can make you another pair of shoes. He was a genius, a great creator and I am proud of my father”. The whole senate was amazed at his response.

Your life is your life. You do not have any reason to let yourself down, and never give people the power and permission to put you down.

Remember, Bill Gates, the richest man in the world was a college drop out.  That did not dissuade him from becoming what he wanted to become. Oprah Winfrey overcame sexual assault and teenage pregnancy to become one of the most influential people in the world.

Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, Nigerian immediate past president, went to primary school on bare foot, but overcame that to become the president of the most populous black nation in the world.

The second richest woman in Africa, Mrs. Alakija F. said about herself, “…I don’t have a university degree…” But she has excelled in the business world and become a household name.

What is your excuse or limitation? The reason for that limitation is to make you work extra hard to overcome it and become exceptional in life.

Dear friends, it’s time to limit your limitations!

Overcome your limitations and tell the story afterwards.


Lesson: when there is a will, there will be a way. Move out of your shell and live the best time of your life.


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