Just move forward–that’s the way to go. Winners never quit!
It takes courage, discipline, and determination to actualize a dream without giving up, even when the odds are against you. So many people have given up on their dreams just at the point of victory without realizing how close they were to the finish line. If you don’t try, you can’t win! The first thing is to begin, and the next- is to stay on and never quit. You have to be daring and risk the unusual to leave a mark on the sand of time. Life is not for the faint-hearted but for those who do not know the meaning of ‘I quit’.
This account was told by Bob Gass, “When John Roebling devised a plan to build a bridge between Manhattan and Brooklyn, USA, experts thought it was impossible. They said a bridge spanning that distance couldn’t withstand the winds and tides. But Roebling refused to concede to defeat; instead, he and his son, Washington, worked to solve the problem. Then, just as construction was about to start, Roebling was killed in an underwater accident that left his son, Washington brain-damaged and unable to walk or talk. The prevailing wisdom was to abandon the project, but Washington Roebling was determined to fulfill his father’s dream. He developed a system of communication by touching a finger to his wife’s arm, and she in turn conveyed his ideas to the project engineers. For thirteen years that was how he supervised the construction, and in 1883 the first car drove across the Brooklyn Bridge. The ‘impossible’ had become reality!
Don’t expect a problem-free life. Problems are there to challenge your mind and make you grow to become a better person. It makes life interesting. A journey without challenges has no meaning. No matter how difficult the situation is, always have a positive mental picture of the outcome. Without difficulties, there will be no miracles! Sometimes, what you believe is more important than facts. Be desperate enough to look beyond the opinions of others and fulfill your dream. Always be ahead of your critics, and overcome the impossible.
If you do not endure and fulfill your dream now, you may end up in regret for the rest of your life. You have something special to offer the world. Hold on and never give up on yourself.
Lesson: If you want more from life, you have to take risks. If not, you may end up living an ordinary life without making any impact.
A much needed word of wisdom at this particular time. Thanks