Believe in yourself even if no one else does. You have what it takes to succeed.



Sometimes, life can be so unpredictable. Who you think should be the chosen one comes out rejected. I, personally learnt from the United States of America’s election that majority sometimes doesn’t always have the final say. The whole world can be against you and think you are not smart or good enough to occupy certain positions in life, but if you believe in yourself and have what it takes to survive, you will definitely succeed. The Donald Trump’s case brings to mind this popular scripture, “I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skills; but time and chance happened to them all.”

It’s always better to prepare for an opportunity whether it comes or not, and be hopeful, because who knows it might be ‘your time and chance’ to become the corner stone. As it stands, Donald Trump is the president-elect of the USA, no matter how unbelievable it seems, and even without winning the popular vote. When it is your turn to be exalted, the only person that can bring you down is you! Do not look at life from the viewpoint of a loser but a victor.  Some people will always try to bring you down. They are specialist at criticizing others. Don’t give them the opportunity to talk you down or discourage you as long as what you believe in or doing is a worthy course. Like Donald Trump, believe you can be what you want to be. Say what you mean and mean what you say. If you try to please everybody or say what people want to hear in order to get their consent, you will end up deceiving yourself. The greatest injustice you can do to yourself is self-deception. If you deceive others, you are smart, but if you deceive yourself, you are not wise.

If you want that position you desire so much, do the following:

  • Be ready to fight for it with diligence, determination and perseverance. It may be difficult but not impossible.
  • Believe in yourself even if no one else does.
  • Do not try to please everybody because if you try to, you are bound to fail.
  • Be ready to pay the price for success – like obtaining more college degrees, acquiring more skills, having a mentor etc.
  • Don’t be afraid to fail or make mistakes. If you fail, try again.
  • Don’t listen to destructive critics. Accept constructive and helpful criticism. Refused to be discouraged
  • Be positive minded about life.
  • Evaluate your motive for wanting that position. Is it for service or self-embellishment? Remember life is about contribution, service and not significance.
  • Seek like-minded people to spur you on
  • No matter what and how long it takes, never ever give up on yourself. Be dogged and persevere until you get to the finished line.


The year 2016, is a season to dream! If one dream fails, dream again. It is never too late to dream again. Have you been called a nonentity, an underdog or a failure? Don’t be dissuaded, dreams do come true.

Keep keeping on and never give up!



Lesson:  “Be like a weed! A weed is a plant that has mastered every survival skill.”

Let the strength of your desire and the size of your dream remain unwavering.




  1. Stand for what you believe. It might not the popular opinion however, if it is the right thing then you can never be wrong.

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