Dream-onDream big, take action, and never quit!

Choose to dream big.  W. Clement Stone remarked “Choose to aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.” Choose to dwell on the important issues of life, not on the trivial. H. Stern said “If you are hunting rabbits in a tiger country, you must keep your eyes peeled for tigers, but when you are hunting tigers, you can ignore the rabbits.” Do not be distracted by the rabbits of life. Set your sights on bigger game.

Somehow, you have to have a dream about your future. Nobody wakes up and walks into a future unprepared for. If then, you have to dream, choose to dream big and fulfill your dreams. You don’t pay money to dream big! Don’t think you are too poor or small to have a big dream or make a change; think of how small the mosquito is, but its effect is so devastating that it takes billions of dollars to treat malaria and its complications annually.

According to Robert Schuller, “If your dreams are bigger than most, if your ideas are more creative there will be criticism. Don’t allow yourself to indulge in negative fantasies that limit the size of your goals and stifle your creativity.”

The question about dreaming big is whether you are willing to pay the price to attain it. Are you willing to invest time, resources and effort in achieving your dream? Are you ready to go the extra mile to become relevant and make an impact in your generation? A big dream should be designed in phases. Trying to achieve everything at once will destroy the beauty of the dream. Take a steady but persistent pace and give it all you’ve got. The only way to actualize your dream is to truly love it. Don’t make money your goal, instead pursue what you really like and become excellent at it.

When your heart is able to capture a dream, your mind will create a map to reach it.

Dream big because you have a big God.

Lesson: the beauty of dreaming is that it motivates the dreamer to add something beautiful to the world. Dream big and make a big impact in your generation.


2 thoughts on “LIFE LESSON- DREAM BIG.”

  1. Yea, true words. Though every dream requires a price to be payed before the prize is won. The only world where there are no boundaries is the world of imagination. It’s worth exploring. Thanks Dr.

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