Vision can be defined as an image or concept in the imagination. It’s the ability to see into the future. A life without vision amounts to nothing. I was listening to Mr. Victor Oladokun speak on VISION’ at the Excellent Leadership forum hosted by Sam and Nike Adeyemi. The following points were highlighted for upward movement in life:
Remove self-imposed limitations. If you can think it you can do it. The difference between dream and reality is action. Go ahead and be active.
This is the time to see beyond the present and look into the future you want for yourself and your generation.
Become ferocious consumer of information and knowledge. Information is key to any meaningful development in life. Knowledge may be expensive, ignorance is much more expensive.
Remove fear from your vocabulary. Fear is a mirage. Attempt the extraordinary and the Lord will be your back-up.
Remember, if you don’t try you can’t succeed.
The canvass of life is painted with vision of great leaders. One of the worst things that can happen to any person is to have sight without vision. You were created to fulfill a need. Search it out and fulfill your destiny.