You are as valuable as you think you are! So rate yourself high.

you matter


You eventually become what you want to become. People’s opinion of you should not be the foundation upon which you build your life. Don’t wear the labels that people are trying to put on you because your destiny is not in their hands. God sees you differently from how the world sees you. When the world sees a failure, God sees a success waiting to happen. Place value on yourself! Act, look and speak like the heir of the most high. Albert Einstein was looked down upon and told by his teacher he will never be able to learn. This same Albert Einstein became one of the greatest scientists the world has ever produced. It’s time to put off the robes of failure, neglect, abuse, emotional baggage, poverty, low self-esteem, anxiety, fear and lack. Begin to act like the royal priesthood you were created to be and walk towards a better life through diligence, determination and self-development. Believe in yourself and walk your talk!

“Have you seen the future? It’s with you in your thoughts.” that was what Riccardo Ferrari told his son. Do you see a great future for yourself? It begins with how valuable you see yourself in your thoughts today. You can be anything you want to be; it all depends on your value system.

Dare to dream big! You’re not doing yourself or God a favour by not dreaming big or being small minded. According to W. Clement Stone “Aim for the moon, if you miss you may hit a star.”

We live in a world where so much premium is paid on value. Change the way you look at yourself and start to appreciate and value the real you that’s made in the image of God. So, how valuable are you? If you think you are of no value, maybe you should think about Rahab in the Bible. A renowned prostitute who later became a prophetic grandmother of Jesus. God didn’t waste time creating a worthless person or a failure. There is something you must be good at; it may be singing, writing, fashion, business, leadership roles, encouraging others etc. Develop your skills and become a sought-after.

It’s what you call yourself that others will call you! Stop calling yourself Abram but Abraham. Even when you look at your situation and think nothing good can come out of your life, remember that little by little, line by line, precept upon precept a street will become a city.

Start believing in yourself because God believes so much in you.


Lesson: it’s not what the world thinks of you that matters. What counts is how you feel and what you believe about yourself. You are of inestimable valuable- if only you can believe and act accordingly.


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