“If you have never failed, you have never tried anything new”
In a world as competitive as ours, where only the winners are recognized and hard work does not seem to be paying off quickly, it is very easy to label oneself as a failure if things aren’t going a certain way, but failing and being a failure are two different things. The winners you see today once failed, but it is their attitude which set them apart from others who gave up at some point in time. One’s mindset goes a long way in determining the outcome. The fact that you failed at something no matter the number of times, doesn’t make you a failure. Failure, though experienced by everyone at various aspects of life seems to still be a part of human-character building that we have not grasped totally but is actually a vital process of development.
Take for instance, a child learning to walk makes several attempts at walking before she finally learns how to do so, which means that she failed at it several times before she got it! If she decided that walking wasn’t meant for her, she would have missed out on a lot of amazing things. So, it shows that even at a very early age, we are all survivors who have the ability to persevere through tough times. Failing is not the problem, but what we do afterwards. We can choose to see the glass as half full instead of half empty. You have learnt a new way how not to go about a certain thing.
If we take a look at notable people who have failed repeatedly, it’s amazing to see what they have become. For instance, Michael Jordan, one of the famous basketballers of all time was cut from his high school team because he was not good enough. He was quoted saying “I have missed over 9000 shots in my career, I have lost over 300 games, I have failed over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed” Wow! In other words, he has learnt over 9300 ways to fail and knows what to do to succeed. This makes him a living testimony to the fact that perseverance in the right direction and with the right attitude will bring forth a success story.
The beautiful things in life that have stood the test of time and have attained value usually go through long, arduous processes as in the purification of gold, where at first when it is mined looks dull and cannot be compared to the finished product, so we meet different circumstances which are meant to mold and shape us into who we are meant to be and in the end, be a blessing and motivation to others. Though we may not see what our end maybe but we can hold on to the promise that God’s plans for us are good and not evil and to bring us to an expected end. I’d end with the words of Henry Ford who said “Failure is the only opportunity to begin again, only this time more wisely.” So Get up and Try again, there’s a world out there waiting for your success story.
See you at the top!
Written by Miss Nwoha Peace.
The winner of ‘Motivate the World and Win’ 2016 Edition.