What is that thing or desire that burns within you like a fire that can’t be quenched? What are you living for? Is there anything you think about all the time, and can give your time, energy and money to achieve it?

When you have a vision, it should be accompanied with a burning desire to see it come to pass. Whatever burns hot within you is what God has given you abilities to naturally perform enjoyably. Whatever we’re passionate about should be what we do to fulfill our life’s purpose and give benefit to others. You may feel inadequate or unqualified initially, but once you step out in faith, God releases His grace for you to fulfill destiny so that you can be a blessing to humanity.

Mahatma Gandhi had a vision of a free and independent India at a time when it was governed by the British. He prepared himself and never gave up on his dream.

President Nelson Mandela’s goal for the new South Africa was a “people-centered society.” He vowed the government’s aims are nothing less than “freedom from want, freedom from hunger, freedom from deprivation, freedom from ignorance, freedom from suppression and freedom from fear.”

Bishop David Oyedepo founded the Living Faith Church in order to set people free from the oppression of the devil through the preaching of the word of faith.

Henry Ford had a vision of every family in America owning an automobile at a time when people were frightened of his new invention.

I had a vision of motivating everyone to greatness by overriding our perceived defeatist mindset and gaining dominion from within to influence our environment and become the very best we ought to be. To achieve this vision, I set up a motivational website called the Complete Life

What is your vision? What is your contribution to life? No matter how insignificant you think your vision is, give life to it and watch it bless others. Some visions may require some amount of money to actualize, while others just need time and adequate preparation. Know this fact, that God will never put a desire in you that you are not equipped to fulfill. If God has given you a vision and you are afraid or uncertain about what to do, you have to make up your mind to act in faith over fear for that’s when you can be a blessing to your generation.

Think about people like Thomas Edison who invented the electric bulb; Aliko Dangote with the large number of employees he caters for; Mother Teresa with her love and care for the downtrodden and ask yourself this question ‘what am I living for?’

You can also do something to make the world a better place with your life changing vision or passion. Start today no matter how little and live a life of purpose.

Life is more about contribution and not consumption.



  • Bob and Debby Gass- The word for today, May-July, 2016.


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