Be of help to someone in 2017.


Presently and everywhere, a large number of people are suffering. In Nigeria, whether we want to believe it or not, there is recession such that most people cannot afford three square meals daily. Education is gradually becoming a luxury for the rich, and a lot of children are on the street begging and hawking for survival.

Recently, I was listening to Pastor Enoch Adeboye tell this pathetic story about a woman who was making Amala (local fufu) by her backyard. He said – “As this woman was making the Amala, she decided to go into her house to get something. When she returned back to her cooking place however, she saw that the cooking pot of Amala on the fire was nowhere to be found. As she started making enquiry as to the where about of her pot of food, a neighbor of hers secretly informed her what happened to her pot of Amala. The neighbor told her that it was the lady in the next compound that came to steal her food. This woman angrily went to the next compound to confront the woman that stole her cooking pot of amala. On getting there, to her surprise, she met her and her children eating the Amala with a plate of water because they did not have any soup. She couldn’t believe the situation before her that she quickly ran back to her house immediately brought the soup she had already prepared and gave it to this woman that stole her food and her children to eat.”

Also, in Lagos a few weeks ago, a young woman was put into prison for stealing plantain to feed herself and her child.  The Commissioner of Police, Lagos State command, intervened, set the woman free and also gave her the sum of N10, 000.

As 2016 gradually comes to an end, think of ways to be a blessing to humanity in 2017. Life is not about you and your family alone. The poor are everywhere. If you have not found one to help, it’s because you are not looking hard enough. Have you noticed that little girl hawking on the street? The orphans, that poor widow! What have you done for them? Have you ever been to an orphanage home? What about that elderly relative of yours that’s barely surviving, are you of help to him/her?  Are you kind to your subordinates? Do you have time to think or pray for those in internally displaced homes (IDPs)? Do you have a spare time out of your busy schedule for the poor? Did you know that six million children under five years die of starvation yearly?

Please, be a blessing in 2017. It’s actually more blessed to give than to receive. If you give to the poor, you are giving unto God, and He will reward you more than you can ever think or imagine.

How can you be a blessing?

  • Take that little girl/boy off the street and send him to school
  • Put that poor widow on monthly allowance
  • Show concern and visit the less privileged, orphanage homes, homes for the physically challenged and the aged.
  • Be kind with your words, time, money and attitude
  • Buy foodstuffs, clothes and give to the needy in your neighborhood
  • If you happen to be a politician, avoid corruption. A fight against corruption is a fight against poverty
  • Be a law abiding citizen and a good mentor to your followers.
  • Become an employer of labour if you can afford it.
  • Look for avenues to bless people no matter how little
  • Sustained giving is the best way to be a blessing. Continue to give until you make a difference in the world.

Now, you are ready for 2017.

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do unto me.”

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